Sunday, April 15, 2007

Researching the new toothbrush

For the past few days, I'd been using a toothbrush that had a fish tail on it. Today, I broke out a new one. I figured out that it has the Yellow Power Ranger on it (along with some sparkles). Because I'm bored out of my skull, I decided to do a little research.

Just who is the Yellow Power Ranger? Here's what the Power Rangers Central Database says:

Full Name: Aisha Campbell
Ranger Designation: Yellow Power Ranger, Yellow Ninja Ranger
Weapons: Power Daggers, Blade Blaster
Gear: Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Yellow Shark Cycle
Zords: Griffin Thunderzord, Bear Ninja Zord, Yellow Shogun Zord

Spirited and full of energy, Aisha was always up to the challenge as a Power Ranger. She met the Power Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove, where she competed in the Ninja Competition along with Rocky and Adam. Aisha and her friends assisted the Rangers in the rescue of a baby in danger. She continued assisting the Rangers when they needed it, proving herself a formidable replacement for Trini as the Yellow Ranger. Trini left Aisha her powers by transferring them to her with the Sword of Light. Yellow Ranger's power weapons are the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Aisha gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection. Her Yellow Ranger powers were lost when Master Vile turned the team into children, and Goldar destroyed the Power Coins. Upon retrieving the Yellow Zeo Crystal, she sent Tanya back to the team in her place, and stayed in Africa to help the animals. ...

Jeez. That's a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. So, a little more clicking and we discover that the actress who played Trini died in a car accident. Good thing they wear masks or that would've made that power transfer a little awkward.

So, when in doubt, go to Wikipedia:

Yellow Ranger is a designation given to one character in all seasons of the Power Rangers TV series. The Yellow Ranger is usually a subordinate member of the team and are usually the teams' morale boosters (with the exception of Taylor who once was the Wild Force Rangers' leader before Cole's arrival and a rather strong-willed individual) or level-headed in the time of crises. Yellow Rangers are primarily female with a few males.

Hmm. This is starting to sound a little bizarre. Kinda sounds like Yellow Power Ranger is Chinese for "temporary job." Good thing I have a number of weeks of free time to study up. ... I wonder which Yellow Power Ranger my toothbrush is?

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