Friday, April 27, 2007

Two more weeks of lockdown

Well, it could be worse, I guess. ...

... I went to the doctor today expecting three options: removal of the heavy bands and jaw freedom (good), continuation of the heavy bands (not so good) or having to face another procedure to get plates installed (definitely not good). Things turned out not so good: I have to stay locked down for another two weeks.

When I got there, the doctor started removing some of the bands to see how things are going. The more bands he removed, the more my jaw started trying to move to where it wasn't supposed to be. The way he explained it, my jaw muscles have spent more than 40 years compensating for my recessed chin. Now that that's unnecessary, they're having a hard time relaxing. So, the plan is to keep them in the right position with the bands in the hope that they'll get the message. Stupid jaws.

Anyway, I did take the opportunity while unbanded to brush the insides of my teeth. As you might imagine, that's been pretty much impossible for about a week and will be at least until May 10, my next appointment. The doctor did say I could start using a WaterPik, which should help. I've been using some diluted mouthwash, too. Between all that, saltwater rinses and brushing the outside, I hope I can keep things in check for now.

So, I continue on the liquid diet. The good news is that my weight seems to have stabilized. The last time I was there, I weighed 155. Today, I was a half-pound over that. My ideal weight, though, is more like 165 or so.

I can't wait to start munching on stuff. The sound of a tortilla chip being eaten can bring tears to my eyes.

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